Saturday, November 15, 2008

[wo]Man's Search for Border's

I just came home from Border's.

I took my kids, and one of their friends, to a Twilight Movie pre-release "party". Much to our dismay, it really wasn't much of a party...
It was more like 20 random people sitting around watching "behind the scenes" movie clips on a 20" TV, right smack in the middle of the store; then answering trivia questions.

Neither of my kids (nor the friend) have read Twilight yet, but they are excited about the movie release so we thought we would check out the "party". It's true that Twilight is a "young-adult" novel, but I have always had a vampire fetish and wanted to see what all the fuss was about so in August I picked up book one (Twilight) and was instantly hooked. I read all 4 books (nearly 2300 pages) in under a week. I was on a roll in August...just before Twilight, I read the Harry Potter series in about a week and a half, maybe two.

I have a lot of thoughts about the Twilight series and some of the themes, characters etc. but I don't feel like going into that right now...maybe later...In the meantime, I am really looking forward to the Twilight movie (we bought the Soundtrack tonight and it was really good). Next week is my son's 14th b-day and we are going take several friends to see it.

ANYWAYS...I am also really happy because when I was at Borders tonight, I bought a book that I have been wanting for some time now.

Viktor Frankl's, Man's Search For Meaning

I have really been wanting to read this one and in the past month or so, I have had at least 4 or 5 different people (co-workers, students and clients) recommend it to me. I'm glad I picked it up...If I can pry myself away from the computer, I'll try to start reading it tonight.

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