Friday, November 5, 2010


The founder of NABLOPOMO asked Momo if she could babysit her kid tomorrow. (She can't, cause we are previously committed) but I had to tell you because:

1. I'm participating in NAPLOPOMO and have to post something every day this month


2. This is the closest thing to a celebrity sighting we have had since we saw Jay Leno and William H. Macy at our wedding. (Eden, you've got some serious celeb status in the month of November and my kid still wants to babysit your kid, next time for sure!)


  1. Lol! Ironic! Have you known the founder for a while? or was this a random run-in? annnd are you serious about those two people being at your wedding. I want to see. PICTURES.

    Girl. You need to start elllaaaaaaaborating!

  2. Erika, we have known Eden (the founder of Nablopomo) for about 4 or 5 years now and we live very close to one another. As for Leno and Macy...they were both at our wedding (uninvited). I will tell you about it sometime soon!


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