Ever since she could talk she has called him "uncle" or "Unkie" (like funky without the "f"). She talks about him constantly, looks up to him like a god and tells me on a daily basis how much she misses him...
You see, my brother (her Unkie) moved away for college about 4 years ago. He usually lives about 5 hours away (which is not too bad) but right now he is living in Prague (which is really, really far away)...
Here's a pic of Momo and her Unkie waiting for a train in Japan
Here they are, deep in conversation about what to eat.
Like I said, this girl of mine loves her Unkie. If he is around, she is stuck to his side...The poor guy can't breathe.
Kinda of like this...
And let me tell you, my brother is probably the best 23 year old uncle in the world. He is always engaged in whatever Momo likes, he'll take the time to hang out with her and he pretty much always puts up with her excessive "cuddliness".
He's a really good sport. Even at the end of the day, during an extremely hot and humid Japanese summer, while sitting in a toy store that too many adults (and no kids) are shopping at. Like this one:
Occasionally (or better yet, rarely) someone else can get a spot next to Unkie. Somehow (in the next pic) I was able to finagle my way next to my brother.
But that never lasts too long...Momo always finds her spot, right back where she belongs, next to her Unkie...
We love you Unkie...and can't wait until you come home!
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