Did I tell you that my hubby He Who Must Not Be Named (HWMNBN) did not come with us to Japan? Poor guy...he's at home working hard to support our adventures.
Anyways, I am going to post a lot of pics everyday to keep him (and you) informed about what we're up to. This is a really long post but if you like my weirdo kids and/or are interested in Japan...read on!
Today we were out ALL DAY walking around two of our favorite areas in
Tokyo called
Harajuku (of Gwen Stefani fame) and
We started off on the
kyuko (express train) which was not crowded at all and only took about 35 minutes

We got off the train at
Omotesando in Harajuku. The street is really gorgeous and has TONS of designer stores.
It's actually called the
Champs Elysees of Japan.

One of our favorite stores on
Omotesando is Kiddy Land, where you can find every weird gizmo, gadget and toy you could imagine.
Mango and my brother liked the electronic gadgets...

While Momo was obsessed with the stuffed animals.
These are her people...see how they are all stunned by her presence!

After Momo bid her farewells to the stuffed population at Kiddy Land, we visited a few more stores then hit the road for some more walking.

When we got hungry we stopped into this little "go-around" sushi shop where you sit at a table and watch sushi come around on a conveyer belt.

You pick whatever you want and at the end you are charged by the number of plates you have. Momo and Mango had a field day...
I think we ended up with like 20 plates!

Then, with our stomachs full, we set off to
The walk was about 20 minutes and the hot Japanese sun was beating down on us all the way.

I think the heat made Momo a little loopy...

You know how she gets a little "weird"?
Well, she got real weird...
And we had to take a break for a minute so she could compose herself...

Mango had a sip of Japanese soda while he watched Momo weird out on us...

Momo never did fully recover... but we kept on trekking.
We're used to her weirdness and weren't the least bit suprised when she bought a big pink bow and proceeded to swagger down the streets of
Shibuya like the gangsta she is...

To top of her look she bought some crazy 80's sunglasses ...
They actually were quite cute!

Mango had to get in on the action and he "mango-fied" his look with some aviator glasses

A little more walking...and stopping...and talking...and shopping...

Then we ended up in a game center where Mango tried diligently to win a prize but came out empty handed.

Momo on the other hand scored a really cool stuffed animal and a huge tin of candy thanks to some "skills" she learned from HWMNBM.
"You have to tip it in mom, that's what dad taught me"
And she was right... She won...The game center people even came out to congratulate her for winning. Seems as though they have made it a lot harder to win lately and they were surprised that this little girl could win...twice!

After the game center we walked and shopped for a few more hours then we headed back to the train station.
Unfortunately for us, it was rush hour and we had to go through the "most crowded crosswalk in the world" literally, it is the most crowded crosswalk you will ever see...

The train was PACKED and I couldn't snap a shot hold on to Momo and secure a spot all at the same time but I will try to get a busy train pic at some point.
By the time we stopped at the grocery store to buy stuff for dinner Mango was tired
and Momo was done...

I don't blame her though because we walked a lot today...
13,091 steps to be exact!