As for the weirdos, Mango is going as a hippie (pics to come) and Momo is going on her 3rd costume. First, she was Robin hood (for school), then she was Bellatrix Lestrange ( for a Harry Potter party), and tonight I think she is going to be Tonks (from Harry Potter) OR a Gold Digger (yes, you heard right).
She ain't nothing but a gold digger, she ain't messing with no broke, broke...
Anyways, I will let you all know what she chooses. For now, I only have a pic of her in the Bellatrix costume. Here she is with her friend who is dressed as Harry Potter.

I think Momo's costume came out pretty good though I think she looks more like me in high school than Bellatrix Lestrange. That's my prom dress after all...

So on that note, I hope you all dress up and I want to wish you all a Happy Halloween from my weirdo family to yours!