We live in a comminty that is flanked on one side by the beach and mountains on the other.
It's really fantastic because we have awesome views from every angle and we usually have an amazing "California Beach Climate" that resides in the mid to low 70's most of the year.
Anyhow, Momo, Mango and I went to the beach yesterday after school

...and the day before...

To look at the smoke from a raging wildfire just a few miles up the coast.

The fire is so bad that many of our friends and family are currently evacuated or being told to be ready to leave at moment's notice. Schools from 3 districts are closed (as well as the college where I teach).

Nearly 40,000 people have been evacuated in the last 3 days... The emergency shelters are filling to capacity and those not in the evac zones are taking in "refugees".

My parents are in a warning zone and may end up over at our house, My
dear friend and her daughter Apple are evacuated and may make there way over here today. It's a precarious situation...the high winds and heatwave we have been having aren't making anything better.

Over 75 homes have been burned, several fire fighters have been injured and the fire seems to be taking over...Remember how I said the temperature around here generally reside in the mild 70's (because of this most of us don't have air conditioning, our windows work just fine)

...well in the last few days we have been running above 100 degrees and let me tell you...with power outs, smoke and 100 degree temps (and my asthma)...the conditions really suck.

Keeping it in perspective though...we are in our home and safe right now. For that, we are thankful. The fire has begun heading in this direction as of this morning, but it has a way to travel before I get too worried.
Check out
this article from the Sacramento Bee to see some INCREDIBLE pictures and read a bit more about the fires.
Keep your fingers crossed that pur brave fire fighters and other public safety personel get this under control...